About Us

My Easy Read Books

At My Easy Read Books ®, we recognize the importance of providing high-interest, low-reading level (hi-lo) books that cater to the intellectual needs of readers while ensuring comprehension. Our focus is on crafting intricate plots that captivate readers, where the emphasis shifts from “reading levels” to engaging characters and storylines.

Founded in 2020 by Leslie P. Borhaug, a former educator with firsthand experience working with struggling readers, My Easy Read Books ® aims to empower students to succeed. Borhaug understands that struggling readers and multilingual learners are eager to excel but often face challenges with traditional reading materials. Our books serve as resources that build on their strengths and support them in becoming fluent readers.

Our mission extends beyond merely exciting struggling and multilingual learners. We also aim to create high-quality plots that appeal to avid readers seeking a compelling narrative. This commitment to excellence was recognized by Kirkus Reviews magazine, which selected Ozzie by L.B. Tillit as an editor’s pick for YA literature in their December 15, 2023 issue, without mentioning its third-grade reading level. This acknowledgment underscores our belief that hi-lo books can be valued as quality literature.

At My Easy Read Books ®, we offer hope not only to struggling readers but also to educators and parents/guardians who are dedicated to nurturing reluctant readers’ success. Join us in transforming the reading experience for all learners.